Promagnetin – can a magnetic insole really work wonders? We’ve checked it out…

It was already known in ancient times that the compression of appropriate nerve endings makes it possible to treat various types of pain.

This method was used, among others, in ancient Egypt and in Asia. In the 20th century, very intensive research was conducted on this subject, which resulted in the birth of the so-called acupressure of the feet, also commonly referred to as reflexotherapy. Today we know exactly that the human foot is a real “mine” of endings of important nerve junctions. Massaging and compressing the right points can work wonders. All kinds of pains disappear, the person relaxes, calms down and becomes more cheerful.

In reality, there are plenty of vital nerve endings all over the human body. After all, this is what acupuncture is based on. Tiny needles cut through miniature nerves, causing immediate relief for specific ailments. However, the feet are unique in this respect. There are as many as over 7,000 important nerve endings on this relatively small area. These places connect both directly with the brain and with various parts of our body.

Female foot heel painFor this reason, massaging the feet is currently a very popular procedure that lots of people like to use. Relief of various pain does not have to last only as long as the foot is massaged. Frequent massages regulate the work of our body and therefore have a positive effect on the person’s overall health. Thanks to them, you can to a large extent eliminate many common diseases that affect a huge part of our civilization.

Interestingly, the foot can literally show us that something bad is happening to the body. In many cases, small spots appear on the skin, always where the nerve ending responsible for the problematic part of the body is located. This point becomes clearly more sensitive to touch. If pressing and massaging it relieves the discomfort, we have the answer to the question where the actual problem lies.

What diseases does reflexotherapy treat?

The foot can be a tool to remedy over 200 various diseases. Specialists in the field of acupressure, through proper pressure and massage, can literally work wonders. With the help of this method, the following ailments – as well as others – can be treated:

  • various backaches, including the lumbar region, which many people have problems with,
  • all kinds of headaches,
  • colds,
  • anxiety disorders, depression and uneasiness,
  • stomach problems, including indigestion.

We have a lot of possibilities, but there is a certain problem with them – knowledge of the important points. Only an experienced specialist in the field of acupressure knows perfectly well where and how to press the point to achieve the intended treatment effect. Reflexotherapy treatments are a great idea, but unfortunately they is associated with large expenses.

However, it turns out that one can take advantage of the benefits of acupressure on one’s own, from the comfort of home. This is to be made possible by ProMagnetin, a special magnetic insole that – worn regularly – should eliminate many types of common pain. How does it work and is it safe? Keep reading – we have the answer!

What is this product and why was it created?

PromagnetinProMagnetin is a product that at first glance looks quite inconspicuous. We buy ordinary insoles which hide their uniqueness in the depth of their structure. As the manufacturer assures, wearing them regularly for about 4 weeks can effectively eliminate a lot of typical pains. They include, among others:

  • rheumatic pains,
  • joint and bone pain
  • back pains of various origins,
  • migraines

In addition, the inserts are to be helpful with the so-called diabetic foot, which unfortunately a lot of people struggle with. The principle behind this product is based on foot acupressure which we have described earlier.

In this case, however, we are not dealing with an insert that directly massages the relevant points. Inside, there are small magnets that, as the manufacturer assures, generate power at the level of 970 gauss, which is really high. The magnets are placed directly at those points where the nerve endings associated with the above ailments are located on the foot. As the company assures, the treatment is very effective and has been confirmed by numerous tests. At the same time, the inserts have been designed in such a way that even all-day use does not cause discomfort.

How to use magnetic inserts?

footThe use of these magnetic inserts is undoubtedly extremely simple. All it involves is removing standard insoles from the shoes, and then inserting ProMagnetin into them. It’s best to use them with shoes that you wear every day. You can easily keep them under your feet all day long, for example, going to work. You can also run, ride a bike and practice many other sports in them.

The manufacturer guarantees that you can feel pain relief even after the first 8 minutes of putting on shoes with insoles. However, the company recommends that you wear them regularly every day for about 4 weeks. This treatment is to ensure lasting effects and overall improvement in the health of the whole body.

Possible side effects and undesirable results?

An important advantage of this product is definitely its safe use. We are dealing with a magnetic insert, so we do not use any harmful chemicals and do not rub the body with substances of unknown origin. The company also guarantees that although the magnets’ power is quite significant, it is completely safe for our health. Magnetic inserts can be worn at any age, regardless of gender.

Users’ reviews?

Is the product effective? Surely you are curious about it and that is why we decided to take a close look at the opinions about it. Fortunately, there are plenty of those on the Internet, because this product is not new on the market.

Promagnetin – today 07.02.25 discount -50% cheaper

The vast majority of opinions give true praise to ProMagnetin. Having undergone a full course of treatment, people confirm that they feel much better, the pains appear less frequently or are less intense, and overall well-being is improved as well. It is also confirmed that pain relief occurs almost immediately after putting the foot in the shoe. It is difficult to find any information that the use of these inserts causes negative side effects.

Possible substitute?

Of course, special magnetic inserts are not new on the market. This means that in stores you can find a lot of similar products, which, unfortunately, are only seemingly the same. Cheap, uncertified insoles often have very low power magnets. Often, they are not even there at all, and they are simply replaced with small protrusions in the right places. Such products do not bring the intended effects in most cases.

The truth is, ProMagnetin simply doesn’t have a proven substitute on the market. This is the only case where we are dealing with a fully certified insole, developed in specialized laboratories, wearing which can actually be good for health.


At the end we still need to mention the product’s price, which probably interests you all the most – if it is an expensive product, for which you have to reach very deeply into your pocket. Unfortunately, the basic price doesn’t really look good. The inserts are sold for PLN 297, although there is no shipping fee. It is worth emphasizing that this price is for only one piece. If you need two, you’ll have to pay double.

It’s a lot, but you can buy two magnetic inserts for the price of one! This is because the manufacturer very frequently offers promotions on his website. Even at this point, the price is reduced by half! One insert costs PLN 147, so the conclusion is clear – it is best to regularly check the manufacturer’s website.

Where can you buy the product?

Regarding the purchase, unfortunately, you don’t have much choice. ProMagnetin is only available on the manufacturer’s official website.

The company does not sell it elsewhere, as it wants to provide all its customers with a guarantee of the product’s authenticity, efficiency and safety of use. So, we advise against shopping for it in other stores; you can never be sure what you are buying.

Promagnetin - reviews:

  1. Hey, when you order, do you provide the shoe size, or are these insoles universal? I can’t find any information about it…

  2. I have a question, what will happen if I order only one piece? Is it too little, do you have to wear two pieces to make them effective? Also, is wearing just one of them comfortable?

  3. Girls, any idea if these inserts will also work with high heels? Because of my work, I have to wear such shoes on a daily basis, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to use them. Let me know if you know.

  4. how do the payments work on the manufacturer’s website? Do you have to pay in advance or can you do it on delivery?

    1. Promagnetin – today 07.02.25 – NEW, lower price

    2. on delivery is good too

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