Bentolit – a brand new slimming dietary supplement. Is it worth it? Facts and reviews

Nowadays overweight and obesity are often called 21st century diseases. While diabetes is a bigger problem, both mentioned diseases overlap in many cases.

Excessive weight can lead to diabetes, and it certainly wreaks havoc in human body. Every day, many people try to get rid of extra weight, yet quickly lose their initial enthusiasm. Why does it happen?

Why do so many people fail to lose weight?

Maybe you are the one, who already failed at losing weight. You are not alone, there is plenty of such people. Only a few manage to achieve this goal. Is it due to the character or a suitable motivation?

Overweight ManNo doubts given obstinacy is important, but many people trying to lose weight show great motivation jest. Sadly, they lose it quickly – but what’s the cause? We live in a world where, quick effects of our work count above all. If you must wait longer, most will get discouraged after a short time. Same as with slimming.

In many cases, losing excess weight means a radical change in lifestyle. We abandon our favorite food, we rarely use a car, and more often we walk in the fresh air. Someone unused to such a lifestyle will quickly get tired and discouraged if the effects of effort are not visible in a short time.

So why do we have to wait so long to see effect? It’s mainly due to the contamination of our bodies. We live in the world full of harsh chemicals. We can find it not only in the air, but also in the everyday food products.  Scientists from North Carolina in the USA have conducted an interesting study. Subjected man was struggling with many serious diseases, including joint pain, chronic vomiting, shortness of breath and headaches. Scientists conducted a complex detoxification process on the patient. As a result, the man regained a large part of his former physical fitness very quickly.

What conclusion can we draw then? Contamination of the body significantly limits its proper functioning. In case of weight loss, slow metabolism and less efficient functioning of the digestive system and liver is the problem. Theoretically, our body should get rid of toxins on its own, but there are too many of them for this process to be effective. This theory has been proven by successive studies, also carried out in the United States. Fragments of fat tissue were sampled from a large group of subjects.  A lot of toxic substances were found in more than 76% of samples, which clearly proved that the body was unable to get rid of them.

So, if you want to get rid of excess weight, you should not only change your lifestyle and eat healthier. It is also worthwhile to undergo the detoxification process. Thanks to it you will improve your health and the functioning of your whole body. This in turn will contribute to faster weight loss, which you are surely counting on! How to carry out such a process? You can use special dietary supplements. One of them is Bentolit and we will take a closer look at it today.

Bentolit – what’s that?

It is a dietary supplement, advertised by the manufacturer as one of the most effective ways to flush dangerous chemicals out of the body. Its main ingredient, primarily responsible for detoxification is volcanic clay.

The supplement is sold in the form of a special powder, to be dissolved in water. Regular drinking of the prepared drink should restore proper functioning of the body in a relatively short time. The producer advertises his product not only as an effective and cheap way to cleanse the body. It’s also said it supports good health and, above all, weight loss, being a problem for many people.

If you believe the manufacturer, this is currently the most effective adsorbent on the market. Its efficiency is supposed to be even 20 times better than in the case of competitive products. Through its action, it not only removes typical toxins, but also alcohol and nicotine. Additionally, it improves the condition of hair, skin and nails, restoring their healthy, natural look.

Dosage of the product?

The use of this product is extremely simple, which is an additional advantage. Bentolit is available in powder form to be dissolved. The manufacturer recommends that two full teaspoons should be mixed with 200 ml of liquid. This may be milk or water, but only if it is well cleaned. The powder must be stirred thoroughly and then left for about 10 minutes. After this time, you must stir again and it’s ready to drink. The recommended dose is one drink once a day. The manufacturer suggests that it should be consumed every morning, preferably immediately after a meal, although this is not necessary.

Any side effects?

Slim tanned woman

The lack of negative side effects is said to be another advantage of this dietary supplement. As the manufacturer assures, it’s made based on natural and thoroughly tested ingredients. their dosage has been properly balanced. Thanks to this, the product is effective and at the same time maximally safe and can be used by everyone, regardless of age.


You are surely interested now in what’s the composition of this product. Fortunately, the manufacturer doesn’t hide this information which is why we can thoroughly describe for you Bentolits ingredients. The most important of them are:

  • volcanic clay – cleanses, reduces appetite, and reduces fat accumulation,
  • soy protein isolate – provides energy to the body and at the same time speeds up fat burning,
  • oat fibers – provides a cleansing effect and additionally supports the body in getting rid of harmful cholesterol,
  • coffee powder – provides energy and speeds up metabolism,
  • dandelion – primarily improves bowel function,
  • ginger root – reduces appetite and speeds up digestion,
  • fennel – known for its positive effects on the digestive system.

User reviews?

Is it trustworthy? It turns out that yes, because Bentolit has a great reputation among its users.

Bentolit – today 07.02.25 – discount -50% cheaper

We read many of them and most people praise the visible effects of reduced appetite and improved wellbeing. Many people confirm that regular drinking of the drink accelerates fat burning and thus motivates them to lose weight. Opinions also confirm that the product is safe- it doesn’t cause any negative side effects.


All left is the matter of price. Will the use of this product mean you have to dig deep into your pocket? One package of Bentolit contains 100 g of powder and is enough for the preparation of many drinks. Unfortunately, its basic price isn’t very attractive. Currently, you must pay as much as 318 PLN, but don’t worry.

The company very often prepares attractive sales on its website. If you are interested in purchasing, it is best to check the store regularly. We even managed to find an offer where Bentolit was sold for half the price, only 159 PLN. These are very short-lasting sales, but they occur very often.

Where to buy?

In this case, this is an important question, because Bentolit is sold exclusively on the official website of the manufacturer.

The company doesn’t run any additional distribution and supports decision with concerns for the safety of its customers. That’s why don’t recommend ordering this supplement from unproven sources. At best, counterfeit products will only be ineffective, but may also cause adverse side effects.

Bentolit - reviews:

  1. can this product also be used by people on insulin therapy? My mother is already at a very advanced stage and I wonder if such a thing could at least slightly improve her quality of life. Please let me know.

  2. Is there any satisfaction guarantee given by this manufacturer? If the product proves to be ineffective, can I return it and get my money back?

  3. Had anybody seen any better sales than this 50% one? I wonder whether to wait, and if any better sales will happen, because I’ve seen it at half the price a few times already.

  4. Bentolit – today ONLY 07.02.25 – newer, lower price

  5. it simply works!!!

  6. I had been experiencing anxiety attack just recently and it was triggered by coffee and I was advised not to drink coffee anymore … One of Bentolit’s ingredients is Coffee… would it trigger my anxiety back?

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